Moritz Blasy
  • Dispute Resolution (in trust, foundation and corporate matters)
  • Private Client (trust, foundation and corporate law)
  • Regulatory and Compliance
  • Corporate & Commercial Law
  • Asset Tracing / Asset Recovery
  • Tax Law

  • University of Innsbruck, Austria, graduated in Law (Mag. iur. 2001; Dr. iur. 2003)
  • University of Exeter, UK, International Business Law (LL.M. 2006)

  • Attorney-at-Law in Liechtenstein (2008)
  • Bar Exam in Austria (qualified in 2009)
  • Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales (2011)
  • Professional Trustee in Liechtenstein (2016)
  • Notary Public in Liechtenstein (2020)

  • Liechtenstein Bar Association
  • Law Society of England and Wales
  • Liechtenstein Association of Professional Trustees
  • Liechtenstein Association of Notaries Public
  • Liechtenstein Arbitration Association (LIS)
  • Austrian Arbitration Association
  • Young Austrian Arbitration Practitioners

  • German
  • English

  • Grenzüberschreitende Verschmelzung von Kapitalgesellschaften, Austria, RdW 2006, Issue 3, 139
  • Financial Services Regulators in Europe, Chapter Liechtenstein, Oxford University Press, 2008
  • Cross Border Mergers in Europe, Cambridge University Press, edited by Dirk Van Gerven, 2011 (co-author)
  • Aufsichtsverfahren, Schiedsfähigkeit, § 599 ZPO und der Entscheid des OGH 05 HG.2011.28 (LES 2011, 187), Liechtensteinische Juristen-Zeitung, Issue 1, March 2012, 24
  • Die Auswirkungen des neuen § 634 ZPO in Liechtenstein, Der Generationenwechsel in der Stiftungslandschaft, edited by Francesco A. Schurr, Schulthess 2012
  • Vertrieb von fondsgebundenen Lebensversicherungen – Informations- und Beratungspflichten, Liechtensteinische Juristen-Zeitung, Issue 2, June 2012, 49
  • Taxation of Trusts, Chapter Liechtenstein, IBFD 2012
  • Ausführungen zu «gebrauchten» Lebensversicherungspolicen im Generellen und zum Urteil des EFTA-Gerichtshofes vom 10. Mai 2016 in den verbundenen Rechtssachen E-15/15 und E-16/15 im Speziellen, Liechtensteinische Juristen-Zeitung, Issue 3, September 2016, 35 (co- author)
  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, International Arbitration, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Gary Born, 2019 (co-author)
  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, Litigation, Trends and Developments, edited by Gary Born, 2019 (co-author)
  • Legal 500, Dispute Yearbook 2019, A new ADR instrument for conflicts between beneficiaries and professional fiduciaries (co-author)
  • Legal 500, Fintech 2nd Edition, Country Comperative Guide, Chapter Liechtenstein, 2019 (co-author)
  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, International Arbitration, 2nd Edition, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Gary Born, 2019 (co-author)
  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, Litigation, 2nd Edition, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Gary Born, 2019 (co-author)
  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, International Arbitration, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Gary Born, 2020 (co-author)
  • Legal 500, Fintech 3rd Edition, Country Comperative Guide, Chapter Liechtenstein, 2020 (co-author)
  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, Litigation, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Gary Born and Matteo Angelini, 2021 (co-author)
  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, Enforcement of Judgments, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by James Herring, 2021 (co-author)
  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, International Arbitration, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Gary Born and Dharshini Prasad, 2021 (co-author)
  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, Litigation, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Gary Born, 2022 (co-author)
  • Global Legal Insights, Commercial Dispute Resolution, Essential Intelligence: Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery 2022, 3rd Edition, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Keith Oliver, 2022 (co-author)
  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, Enforcement of Judgments, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by James Herring, 2022 (co-author)
  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, International Arbitration, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Gary Born and Matteo Angelini, 2022 (co-author)
  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, Litigation, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Gary Born and Matteo Angelini, 2023 (co-author)
  • Global Legal Insights, Commercial Dispute Resolution, Essential Intelligence: Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Keith Oliver, 2023 (co-author)
  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, Enforcement of Judgments, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by James Herring, 2023 (co-author)
  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, International Arbitration, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Gary Born and Matteo Angelini, 2023 (co-author)
  • Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide, Litigation, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Gary Born and Matteo Angelini, 2024 (co-author)
  • Global Legal Insights, Commercial Dispute Resolution, Essential Intelligence: Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery, Chapter Liechtenstein, edited by Keith Oliver, 2024 (co-author)